Frequently asked questions?


I have provided below (in question & answer format) answers to some of the most common questions raised by people who are new to my program. Please feel free to submit any other questions you may have which are not covered here. I shall respond to you personally within 24 hours with my answer(s).

Q1. Do your ideas and strategies really work?

A1. Yes they do. The ideas, strategies and blueprint that I share with my clients are tried and tested. I go beyond simply sharing these with you. I go far beyond this; to explain to you the obstacles which may reduce their effectiveness along with how you can overcome these obstacles in order to make yourself financially free.


Q2. Can I benefit from your program given that I am not from a business background?

A2. Yes you can. I can assure you that my blueprint works regardless of your socio, geographic or economic background. All you need to do is give it a chance to work and take your life to an exciting new level.


Q3. Are you promoting another of those get rich quick schemes?

A3. Certainly not! I can tell you that almost all, if not all of the so called “get rich quick schemes” don’t work. My tried and tested system, solutions and blueprint are designed to help you achieve financial freedom, over time.


Q4. Do you offer any guarantees that your solutions will work for me?

A4. Yes I do. My live and coaching events comes with 100% money back guarantees – full details are provided at the time of reservation, based upon the focus of the event in question.


Q5. I am sceptical and because of my scepticism, I cannot get myself to enrol on your program. Can you help me overcome this hurdle?

A5. I am delighted that you have admitted to a trait which is common to many people. As you feel this way, it is important that you submit your enquiry to me directly so I can assist you by extending my no-risk invitation to you.


Q6. Is there any point in my participating in your program if I don't want to create wealth or if I don't want to be financially free?

A6. If you truly don't want to be financially free, you certainly don’t need my program. However; before you reach that conclusion, I would urge you take a deep breath, take a minute to think about the difference you could make to the lives of people around you and to the lives of those less privileged than you if you have the cutting edge ideas, solutions and blueprint that my program can deliver to you. You will derive huge benefits and joy if only you pass what you will learn to others to make their lives richer and free.


Q7. Are your ideas targeted at ordinary people or at people in business?

A7. My ideas and solutions are varied and their application is not constrained to any one group of people. They are designed to benefit ordinary people, people who are already running their own businesses (i.e. business owners) or aspiring entrepreneurs in equal measure. They are for anyone who wants make the best of their lives and be financial free! Whoever you are, whatever you do, whatever your circumstances my program will help you. All you need to do is give it a chance.


Q8. I am advanced in years. Can your ideas still work for me?

A8. Yes they can and they will work for you. All you need to do is to open your mind, learn and implement these ideas and blueprint. You will look back in time and be glad that you did.


Q9. Where will your upcoming workshops going to be held?

A9. Although a high percentage of the events will be held in the United Kingdom, live events are run globally in different continents in order for me to reach out to as many people as possible. Once you register your contact details on this site, you will be notified of events coming near you. Please don't miss out on what would be a positive life-changing experience for you and for your loved ones! Register your interest NOW!


Q10. Are you available for private consultation to deal with my specific personal or business requirements?

A10. Yes I am. You certainly will enjoy accelerated benefit through private consultation. Please submit your enquiry for my immediate attention to your needs.


Q11. When will your book be published as I am keen to own a copy? "

A11. I expect my book "Unleash Your Wealth!" to be released in early 2013. Please reserve your advance copy, autographed personally by me NOW! As a member of my program you will receive prompt notification of its release.


Q12. Your ideas are inspiring and beneficial but how can I benefit directly by sharing the ideas with my friends, family and business associates?

A12. You can derive immediate and recurring income / commission by becoming a registered Affiliate of my program. As an Affiliate, you can generate thousands of dollars of commission by recommending my program to people you know. Please click on the Affiliate link for further information. Becoming an Affiliate could be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made.


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